DiscoverThe Rewatcher: Buffy the Vampire SlayerCrush (With Special Guest Juliet Landau) | 96
Crush (With Special Guest Juliet Landau) | 96

Crush (With Special Guest Juliet Landau) | 96

Update: 2024-08-054


This episode of the "Rewatcher, Buffy the Vampire Slayer" podcast dives deep into the complexities of Buffy and Spike's relationship, analyzing their interactions in the episode "Crush, Crush." The hosts discuss Spike's new look, Buffy's harsh treatment of him, and the tension between them as Spike tries to win her affection. They also explore the episode's themes of love, relationships, and the complexities of Buffy's character. The episode features a special guest, Juliet Landau, who played Drusilla, and she shares insights into her character development, her unique acting techniques, and her experience working on the show. The hosts also discuss the episode's shocking ending, which sees Spike betray Drusilla and side with Buffy, leaving Drusilla heartbroken and alone.


Introduction and Rewatcher Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This chapter introduces the podcast "Rewatcher, Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its hosts, Elena and Ash. They express excitement for the upcoming episode and mention the surprise it holds.

Buffy Season 5, Episode 14: Crush, Crush

The hosts discuss the episode "Crush," highlighting its emotional impact and the return of Drusilla. They also delve into the episode's themes of love, relationships, and the complexities of Buffy's character.

Spike's New Look and the Blooming Onion

The hosts analyze Spike's new fashion choices, debating whether they're an attempt to impress Buffy. They also discuss the significance of the Blooming Onion, a beloved menu item at the Bronze, and Spike's frustration over its removal.

Buffy's Harsh Treatment of Spike

The hosts dissect Buffy's cold and unwelcoming behavior towards Spike, questioning her sudden shift in attitude. They explore the reasons behind her actions and the mixed signals she sends to Spike.

The Bronze Reopening and Buffy's Hair

The episode opens with the Bronze's grand reopening after its demolition. The hosts discuss Buffy's iconic early 2000s hairstyle and its resurgence in popularity.

Spike's New Fit and Buffy's Confusion

Spike's new outfit is analyzed, with the hosts debating its effectiveness in impressing Buffy. Buffy's confusion about Spike's presence and her harsh treatment of him are further explored.

Spike's Blooming Onion Rant and Buffy's Coldness

Spike's frustration over the Blooming Onion's removal from the Bronze menu is discussed. Buffy's continued coldness towards Spike is highlighted, and the hosts question her trust in him after entrusting him with her family.

Buffy's Hypocrisy and Spike's Trauma

The hosts point out Buffy's hypocrisy in treating Spike poorly despite trusting him with her family. They also discuss Spike's traumatic brain injury and his right to be treated with respect.

Comparing Angel and Spike

The hosts compare Angel and Spike, arguing that both are ultimately "neutered" by different means. They discuss their past actions and how Buffy's preference for "beefcakes" influences her relationships.

Spike's Rejection and Buffy's Denial

Spike is rejected by Buffy, who continues to deny his feelings for her. The hosts discuss the tension between them and Buffy's inability to see Spike's true intentions.

Advertisement: And Away We Go

This chapter is an advertisement for the travel podcast "And Away We Go," hosted by Georgia King. It highlights the podcast's immersive adventures and features special guests.

Advertisement: Backfired: The Vaping Wars

This chapter is an advertisement for the podcast "Backfired: The Vaping Wars," hosted by Leon Nefak. It explores the rise and fall of Juul Labs and the illegal vape market.

Xander's Rudeness and Spike's Departure

Xander rudely tells Spike to leave the Bronze, and Spike, despite his anger, restrains himself and departs. The hosts discuss Xander's lack of empathy and Spike's frustration.

Willow's Headache and the Comically Large Aspirin Bottle

Willow continues to suffer from headaches after her teleporting spell. The hosts discuss the comically large aspirin bottle and its potential product placement.

Buffy's Denial and Tara's Concerns

Buffy refuses to acknowledge the danger posed by Glory, while Tara expresses her concerns. The hosts discuss the group's lack of a plan to defeat Glory and Buffy's desire to avoid the topic.

Buffy's Encounter with Ben

Buffy encounters Ben, the negative 11-year-old intern, and is surprised to see him out of hospital scrubs. The hosts discuss Ben's personality and his relationship with Buffy.

Spike's Jealousy and Harmony's Return

Spike is jealous of Buffy's interaction with Ben. The hosts discuss Spike's feelings and the return of Harmony, played by Mercedes McNabb.

Buffy Returns Home and Giles's Departure

Buffy returns home to relieve Giles, who has been guarding Dawn. The hosts discuss Joyce's poor judgment in trusting Spike and Giles's frustration with his role as a substitute slayer.

Buffy's Confrontation with Dawn

Buffy confronts Dawn about her interaction with Spike. The hosts discuss Buffy's anger and Dawn's denial of her feelings for Spike.

Spike's Rejection of Harmony

Spike rejects Harmony's advances, stating that he's not in the mood. The hosts discuss Spike's lack of interest in Harmony and her stunning appearance.

Buffy and Willow Discuss "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Buffy and Willow discuss the required reading, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." The hosts discuss the episode's subtle commentary on Buffy and Spike's relationship and the writer's dislike of the pairing.

Spike's Encounter with Dawn

Spike encounters Dawn in his crypt and tries to send her home. The hosts discuss Dawn's fascination with Spike and her feelings of safety with him.

Dawn's Feelings for Spike

Dawn confesses to Spike that she feels safe with him. The hosts discuss Dawn's attraction to Spike and his attempts to push her away.

Buffy's Discovery of Dawn's Absence

Buffy returns home to find Dawn missing. The hosts discuss Buffy's concern for Dawn and her reaction to the news.

Spike's Story and Dawn's Entranced

Spike tells Dawn a creepy story about his past. The hosts discuss Dawn's fascination with Spike's stories and her lack of judgment.

Buffy Interrupts Spike's Story

Buffy interrupts Spike's story about murdering a little girl. The hosts discuss Buffy's reaction to the story and her disapproval of Dawn's presence with Spike.

Advertisement: Kiki Palmer

This chapter is an advertisement for the podcast "Kiki Palmer," hosted by Kiki Palmer. It highlights the podcast's focus on entertainment and its impressive guest list.

Advertisement: Going Pro

This chapter is an advertisement for the Amazon Prime Video series "Going Pro," which follows four top junior tennis players. It highlights the challenges and sacrifices involved in pursuing a professional tennis career.

Buffy's Anger and Dawn's Crush

Buffy is furious with Dawn for hanging out with Spike. The hosts discuss Buffy's disapproval and Dawn's developing crush on Spike.

Dawn's Confession and Buffy's Shock

Dawn confesses her feelings for Spike, leaving Buffy stunned. The hosts discuss Buffy's reaction and Dawn's boldness in expressing her feelings.

Buffy Investigates the Train Massacre

Buffy investigates the train massacre, searching for clues about the vampires responsible. The hosts discuss the crime scene cleanup and Buffy's desire to understand the attack.

Buffy's Gossip and Zander's Amusement

Buffy tells Zander about Dawn's crush on Spike. The hosts discuss Zander's amusement at the situation and Buffy's frustration.

The Porcelain Doll and Glory's Presence

The camera reveals a porcelain doll with a ribbon over its eyes, hinting at Glory's presence. The hosts discuss the doll's significance and its connection to Glory.

Joyce's Art Theft and Buffy's Frustration

Joyce explains her art theft to Dawn and Spike. The hosts discuss Joyce's poor judgment and Buffy's frustration with Spike's presence.

Spike's Lead and Buffy's Conflict

Spike tells Buffy that he has a lead on the train vampires. The hosts discuss Buffy's conflicted feelings towards Spike and her desire to work with him despite her repulsion.

Spike's Misinterpreted Actions

Spike's actions are misinterpreted by Buffy, who believes he's making advances on her. The hosts discuss the awkwardness of the situation and Spike's attempts to clarify his intentions.

The Vampires' Flight and Spike's Disgust

Two vampires flee upon seeing Buffy, showcasing their fear of the Slayer. The hosts discuss Spike's disgust at his fellow vampires and Buffy's confusion about their presence.

Spike's Chivalrous Act

Spike opens the door for Buffy, revealing a glimpse of his pre-vampire personality. The hosts discuss the significance of this act and its connection to William.

Spike's Confession of Feelings

Spike confesses his feelings for Buffy, leading to a tense and passionate exchange. The hosts discuss the intensity of their interaction and Buffy's struggle to deny her own feelings.

Spike's Heartbreak and Drusilla's Return

Spike is heartbroken after Buffy rejects his confession. The hosts discuss the parallel between this moment and his transformation into a vampire. The episode ends with the shocking return of Drusilla.

Juliet Landau Joins the Show

Juliet Landau, who played Drusilla, joins the podcast as a guest. The hosts express their excitement and discuss Landau's career and her new podcast, "Slay in It."

Juliet Landau's Performance as Drusilla

The hosts interview Juliet Landau about her performance as Drusilla. Landau discusses her inspiration for the role and her unique approach to character development.

Character Development Through Improv

Juliette discusses her unique method of character development, which involves taking her characters out into the real world and observing how people react to them. She shares a hilarious anecdote about taking her Drusilla character to a liquor store in Hollywood, where she encountered a man who was having an altercation with a woman. The man's reaction to Drusilla was priceless, and it gave Juliette valuable insight into how people perceive her character.

The Origins of Improv Acting

Juliette explains how her improv acting technique developed organically. She realized that she could glean valuable information about her characters by interacting with people in real-life situations, even if those people were unaware that they were participating in her improv.

Leaving the Character Behind

Juliette discusses the challenges of leaving a character behind, especially when the role is emotionally demanding. She shares her experiences with playing Blanche in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and Danny in "Danny in the Deep Lucie," both of which required her to delve into intense emotional states. She emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between immersing oneself in the character and being able to detach from it.

The Enduring Impact of Drusilla

Juliette reflects on the enduring impact of Drusilla on her life. She acknowledges that she has a bit of Drusilla within her forever, and she can access that part of herself whenever she wants. She also discusses the special chemistry she shared with James Marsters, who played Spike, and how their dynamic was evident from the very beginning.

The Casting Process and Chemistry

Juliette recounts her casting process for Drusilla, which involved a creative meeting where she convinced the producers that the character should be British. She also shares the story of how she and James Marsters had an instant acting chemistry during their audition, even though they had never worked together before.

Drusilla's Return and the Dried Rose

The podcast hosts discuss Drusilla's return to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, highlighting her stunning appearance and the significance of the dried rose she carries. Juliette reveals that the dried rose was her own idea, and it symbolizes Drusilla's determination to reclaim Spike.

Collaborating on Drusilla's Scars

Juliette explains how she collaborated with the makeup department head on Buffy to determine the level of scarring that Drusilla should have after being set on fire by Angelus. They decided that the scars should be partially healed, reflecting the vampire's ability to heal quickly but also the lasting impact of the trauma.

Drusilla's Feline Vampire Makeup

The hosts discuss Drusilla's distinctive vampire makeup, which is described as feline, ethereal, and otherworldly. Juliette reveals that the makeup was designed with this specific aesthetic in mind, and it played a significant role in shaping her performance.

Drusilla's Poetic Dialogue

The hosts discuss Drusilla's unique way of speaking, which is both bonkers and poetic. Juliette explains that her dialogue was always written for her, but she was able to bring her own physicality and vocalizations to the role, which eventually became incorporated into the scripts.

Harmony's Evolution

The hosts discuss the character of Harmony, who was initially disliked by many viewers. Juliette shares her own experience of initially disliking Harmony but later coming to appreciate her comedic timing and hilarious lines.

Harmony's Return and Her Iconic Lines

The hosts discuss Harmony's return to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and her iconic lines, such as "Who was, oh wait, I get it. Our little sex game was just the beginning." They also discuss the humor of Harmony's reference to Drusilla as "Morticia," a nod to the Addams Family.

Buffy's Blindness to Spike's Feelings

The hosts discuss Buffy's obliviousness to Spike's feelings for her, questioning how she and her friends could have missed the obvious signs. They also discuss Joyce's questionable parenting skills in this episode, as she blames Buffy for unintentionally leading Spike on.

The Bronze Reopening and Drusilla's Movement

The hosts discuss the Bronze's reopening after being destroyed by a troll, and they highlight Drusilla's graceful and fluid movements as she and Spike enter the dance floor. They also discuss how Drusilla's movement style reflects her mood and personality.

Physicality and Dancing Background

Juliette discusses how her background as a dancer has influenced her acting career. She explains that physicality is a crucial part of every character she plays, and she uses her movement skills to express the nuances of each role.

Stunt Double and Movement Consistency

Juliette discusses her experience with stunt doubles and how she recommended Michelle, a dancer with a similar build, to be her stunt double on Buffy. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistency between her acting scenes and the stunt scenes, ensuring that Drusilla's unique movement style was preserved.

The Devics and the Soundtrack

The hosts discuss the Devics, the band that plays at the Bronze in this episode, and the song they use in the episode. Juliette reveals that she used a song by Sarah, one of the Devics, in the soundtrack of her feature film.

Drusilla's Diabolical Sensuality

The hosts discuss the scene where Drusilla entices Spike to feed on a couple at the Bronze. They highlight the scene's sensual and diabolical nature, and they discuss how it personifies the will of evil.

Blocking and Organic Moments

Juliette discusses the importance of blocking in acting, and she explains how she and James Marsters would often rehearse their scenes together before shooting. She also shares how some of Drusilla's most memorable moments, such as her rocking motion while feeding, were not premeditated but emerged organically from her character choices.

The Strangeness of Stepping Outside the Character

Juliette discusses the strange experience of stepping outside of a character after playing it for a long time. She acknowledges that she doesn't often watch her own work, but when she does, she's sometimes surprised by the choices she made as Drusilla, wondering where those quirks and mannerisms came from.

The Believability of Drusilla's Accent

The hosts discuss the believability of Drusilla's accent, and they express their surprise when they learned that Juliette is not actually British. Juliette explains that she grew up in England and has played many British characters throughout her career.

Spike's Shrine to Buffy

The hosts discuss the scene where Buffy discovers Spike's shrine to her in his crypt. They express their discomfort with the shrine, which includes a Buffy mannequin, drawings, and her stakes. They also discuss the different interpretations of Spike's actions, with some seeing it as creepy and others seeing it as a form of love.

Drusilla's Cattle Prod and the Soundtrack

The hosts discuss the scene where Drusilla tases Buffy with a cattle prod. They highlight the unexpectedness of the moment and the bubbly soundtrack music that accompanies it. They also discuss the show's effective use of thematic music, such as the Angel and Buffy theme, the Riley and Buffy theme, and Drusilla's music box theme.

Spike's Decision and Drew's Disappointment

The hosts discuss the scene where Spike chooses to side with Buffy over Drusilla. They highlight the emotional turmoil Spike is experiencing as he struggles with his feelings for Buffy and his loyalty to Drusilla. They also discuss Drusilla's disappointment and her reaction to Spike's decision.

The Shocking Turn of Events

The hosts discuss the shocking turn of events in this episode, as Spike betrays Drusilla and sides with Buffy. They highlight how Drusilla's usual role as the one who warns others is reversed, and she is now the one who is surprised and taken aback.

Spike's Internal Conflict

The hosts discuss Spike's internal conflict as he struggles with his feelings for Buffy and his desire to return to his old ways. They acknowledge that he is clearly torn between his love for Buffy and his comfort with his dark side.

Spike's Declaration of Love

The hosts discuss Spike's declaration of love for Buffy, which is both shocking and poetic. They highlight the beauty of his words and the emotional impact they have on Buffy. They also discuss Drusilla's reaction to Spike's confession, as she finds it hilarious.

Buffy and Spike's Twisted Relationship

This chapter delves into the complex and often tumultuous relationship between Buffy and Spike. It explores Spike's feelings for Buffy, which he claims are not love but something deeper, and Buffy's constant rejection of his advances. The scene is punctuated by humor and tragedy, highlighting the brilliance of the writing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Harmony's Intervention and the Chaos Demon

This chapter focuses on Harmony's intervention in the fight between Buffy, Spike, and Drew. Harmony, scorned by Spike's neglect, finally figures out how to use a crossbow and attacks him. The scene also references Drew's past relationship with a chaos demon, adding a layer of intrigue and humor to the narrative.

Behind-the-Scenes Stunt Work and Period Piece Acting

This chapter shifts to a behind-the-scenes discussion about the stunt work involved in the fight scene. The actress who played Drew reveals a close call during the filming, where she narrowly avoided being kicked in the face by Buffy's stunt double. The conversation then transitions to the challenges and joys of acting in period pieces, particularly the experience of wearing corsets for extended periods.

The End of an Era and a Touch of Comedy

This chapter reflects on the final appearance of Drew in the Buffyverse. The scene ends with Drew walking away from Spike, leaving him heartbroken and alone. The chapter also highlights the comedic moment where Harmony, after attacking Spike, walks away with the line, "Oh, Spike, it's been nice knowing you."

Buffy's Rejection and Spike's Persistence

This chapter focuses on Buffy's final rejection of Spike. She demands that he leave Sunnydale and never contact her again. Spike, unable to accept her decision, tries to follow her home but is stopped by an invisible barrier. The scene ends with Buffy closing the door in his face, leaving him heartbroken and alone.

The End of the Episode and a Look Ahead

This chapter concludes the episode with Spike being completely rejected by everyone. The conversation then shifts to the actress's new movie, "A Place Among the Dead," and her upcoming podcast, "Slay in It," a Buffy rewatch podcast co-hosted with fellow cast members.

Early Memories of Buffy and a Horror Initiation

This chapter delves into the actress's early memories of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She reveals that she started watching the show at age 15 and was not scared by it, having been introduced to horror at a young age by her older siblings. The conversation then transitions to the actress's new movie, "A Place Among the Dead," and its impressive cast.

A Tribute to Todd McIntosh and the Podcast's Future

This chapter discusses the actress's upcoming podcast episode, which will feature a tribute to Todd McIntosh, Buffy's Emmy-winning makeup artist. The episode will include videos from various cast and crew members, sharing their memories and appreciation for McIntosh's work. The conversation concludes with the actress expressing her excitement for the future of the podcast and her enjoyment of working with her co-hosts.



Drusilla is a powerful vampire and a former lover of Spike. She is known for her unpredictable and often violent behavior, as well as her haunting beauty.


A charismatic and dangerous vampire who is both a villain and an anti-hero in the Buffyverse. He is known for his complex relationship with Buffy and his rebellious nature.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

A popular television series that aired from 1997 to 2003, focusing on the adventures of Buffy Summers, a teenage girl chosen to be the Slayer, a warrior destined to fight vampires, demons, and other supernatural forces.


The fictional universe created by Joss Whedon for the television series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its spin-offs. It encompasses the characters, locations, and mythology of the series.

Blooming Onion

A popular appetizer consisting of a whole onion sliced and deep-fried, often served with a dipping sauce. It is a beloved menu item at the Bronze, a fictional bar in the Buffyverse.

Harmony Kendall

A recurring character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, known for her transformation from a popular high school student to a vampire, her often-shallow personality, and her complicated relationship with Spike.


Improv, short for improvisation, is a form of theater in which performers create scenes and dialogue spontaneously, without a script. It is often used as a tool for character development and to explore different acting techniques.

Juliet Landau

Juliette Landau is an American actress, director, and producer known for her role as Drusilla in the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She has also appeared in other television shows and films, and she is a successful voice actress.


  • What is the significance of the Blooming Onion in this episode?

    The Blooming Onion is a beloved menu item at the Bronze, and Spike's frustration over its removal highlights his connection to the bar and his desire for normalcy.

  • Why is Buffy so cold towards Spike in this episode?

    Buffy's sudden shift in attitude towards Spike is likely due to her fear of his feelings for her and her desire to maintain a professional distance.

  • How does the episode compare Angel and Spike?

    The episode suggests that both Angel and Spike are ultimately "neutered" by different means, highlighting the complexities of their past actions and their relationships with Buffy.

  • What is the significance of Dawn's confession to Spike?

    Dawn's confession of her feelings for Spike is a bold move that highlights her attraction to him and her willingness to defy Buffy's disapproval.

  • What is the impact of Drusilla's return on the episode?

    Drusilla's return is a shocking and unexpected twist that adds a new layer of complexity to the episode and sets the stage for future conflicts.

  • How does Juliette Landau develop her characters?

    Juliette uses a unique method of character development that involves taking her characters out into the real world and observing how people react to them. She believes that this helps her understand how people perceive her characters and how they might behave in different situations.

  • What is the significance of the dried rose that Drusilla carries in this episode?

    The dried rose symbolizes Drusilla's determination to reclaim Spike and bring him back into the fold. It is a romantic gesture that reflects her enduring love for him, even after he has been separated from her for a long time.

  • How did Juliette's background as a dancer influence her acting career?

    Juliette's background as a dancer has given her a strong understanding of physicality and movement, which she uses to express the nuances of each character she plays. She believes that movement is a powerful tool for conveying emotion and personality.

  • What is the significance of the scene where Spike chooses to side with Buffy over Drusilla?

    This scene marks a turning point in the relationship between Spike and Drusilla. It shows that Spike is no longer completely under Drusilla's influence and that he is now willing to make his own choices, even if they mean betraying her.

Show Notes

Rewatchers!!! We celebrate Drusilla's arrival back in Sunnyvale in the best possible way – by chatting with director, actor, ballerina, PODCAST CO-HOST, and absolute icon Juliet Landau! We love her from eyeballs to entrails, y'all! With the drama of last week resetting back into the status quo, Buffy FINALLY realizes that Spike LOVES her, and decides that she is firmly Anti-Blondie-Bear! She not-so-delicately breaks the bad news, and sets Spike on a mission to prove just how much Buffy means to him!

Rewatch, listen & laugh as we figure out Buffy's Tinder search settings, Alaina breaks out her Cricut to spread the good news, and we hear about the incredible way that Juliet tested out the character of Drusilla - and MAN, to be a fly on THAT wall.

And don’t forget to follow us @the_rewatcher on Instagram for special bonus content and to find out where you can find our future episodes!

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In Channel
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Crush (With Special Guest Juliet Landau) | 96

Crush (With Special Guest Juliet Landau) | 96